linux-l: Adaptec-Fehler?

Wolfgang Metze metze at
Do Okt 2 16:17:09 CEST 1997

Muß mich das beunruhigen?

Oct  2 02:59:51 mogli kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
pid 3312233, scsi0, channel 0, id 0,
lun 0 0x08 0a 44 65 02 00
Oct  2 02:59:51 mogli kernel: aic7xxx: (abort) Aborting scb 0, TCL 0/0/0

Oct  2 02:59:51 mogli kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
pid 3312234, scsi0, channel 0, id 0,
lun 0 0x2a 00 00 27 80 57 00 00 02 00

Oct  2 12:44:44 mogli last message repeated 2 times
Oct  2 12:45:14 mogli sendmail[27181]: collect: premature EOM: Error 0


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