linux-l: xemacs

Johannes Heinecke johannes at
Di Mai 5 10:12:57 CEST 1998

>    If you compile XEmacs with mule option, it supports a wide variety
>    of world scripts, including Latin script, as well as Arabic script,
>    Simplified Chinese script (for mainland of China), Traditional
>    Chinese script (for Taiwan and Hong-Kong), Greek script, Hebrew
>    script, IPA symbols, Japanese scripts (Hiragana, Katakana and
>    Kanji), Korean scripts (Hangul and Hanja) and Cyrillic script (for
>    Beylorussian, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian).  These
>    features have been merged from the modified version of Emacs known
>    as MULE (for "MULti-lingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs").
> Screenshots sind u.a. auf Steve Baurs website zu finden. Ist reichlich 
> cool, wenn Du Sprachwissenschaftler bist - trust me ;-)
Kannst du mir mal die URL sagen? Ich habe zwar eine Homepage von S.Baur
gefunden, mit einer Xemacs-FAQ, aber ohne die Screenshots,
die mich interessieren!


Johannes Heinecke
Humboldt Universit"at zu Berlin
<heinecke at>

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