linux-l: Lynx und Proxy

Johannes Walther hannes at
Mo Okt 19 05:00:03 CEST 1998

Carsten Wartmann wrote:
> Hallo,
> ich versuche gerade lynx die Benutzung eines Proxies zu
> vermitteln... Aber finde nichts dazu in diversen
> Helpfiles/Manpages. Ein paar Permutationen von Environmentvariablen
> hab ich auch schon durch. In den Optionen ist auch nichts??!!


schau mal in lynx.cfg (locate lynx.cfg), da gibts weiter unten (bei

# Proxy variables
# Lynx version 0815 and beyond supports the use of proxy servers that
# act as firewall gateways and caching servers.  They are preferable to
# the older gateway servers.  Each protocol used by Lynx can be mapped
# separately using PROTOCOL_proxy environment variables (see
# If you have not set them externally, you can set them at run time via
# this configuration file.  They will not override external settings.
# The no_proxy variable can be a comma-separated list of hosts which
# not be proxied, or an asterisk to override all proxy variables.
# Note that on VMS they are set as process logicals rather than symbols,
# to preserve lowercasing, and will outlive the Lynx image.

Anpassen uns schwuppdiwupp... geht..

Johannes Walther  <>

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