linux-l: procmail Konf. via Web

Philipp Grau phgrau at ZEDAT.FU-Berlin.DE
Do Aug 19 12:31:40 CEST 1999

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 03:20:38PM +0200, Michael Wiedmann wrote:

> Kennt jemand ein *Web-basiertes* Konfigurations-Programm für "procmail"?

Da Du ja auch nicht web-basierten Lösungen nicht verschlossen
zu sein scheinst:

What is the Dotfile Generator

     The Dotfile Generator is a tool to help the user configure basic things
	 as well as exotic features of his favorite programs
     without knowing the syntax of the configuration files, or reading
	 hundreds of pages in a manual. The idea is that the user
     is presented the features with graphical objects like check buttons,
	 entries, pull down menus etc. All the way, help is
     available by pressing the right mouse button.

Debian-Package: dotfile-procmail 1.1-2

Dotfile Generator, module for procmail

The Dotfile Generator is a configuration tool, which configures the basic
features, and even more exotic features of your
favorite programs. 

This module is for procmail, popular mail processing tool. 


 Philipp Grau               | Freie Universitaet Berlin 
 phgrau at  | Zentraleinrichtung fuer Datenverarbeitung
    We had joy, we had fun, | we had Pacman on the sun...      

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