linux-l: Groesse einer Swap Partition

Alain Schroeder schroder at
Di Dez 14 00:25:11 CET 1999

On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 11:52:28PM +0100, Dr. Bernd Freistedt wrote:
> ---Rolf Buenning (linux-l at wrote on Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:37:41 +0100
> > Wie gross muss (sollte) eine Swap-Partition sein?
> > Ich habe 64 MB Speicher und z.Zt 200 MB Sap-Space.
> Bis max. 128 MB werden verwaltet (kein 200 MB swap!). Davon
> koennen's aber mehrere sein. Man rechnet das 2 - 3 fache vom RAM.
Ist das seit der Swapversion 2 nicht passé?

[man mkswap]

[... - old swap]

With S=4096  (as on  i386),  the  useful  area  is  at most 133890048 bytes
(almost 128 MB if you believe in 1 MB=2^20 bytes), and the rest is wasted.

[... - new swap]

The maximum useful size of a swap area  now  depends on the architecture.  
It is roughly 2GB on i386, PPC, m68k, ARM, 1GB  on  sparc,  512MB  on  mips,
128GB on alpha and 3TB on sparc64.


	  - -- Alain -- -

"I mean ... who was the jerk who wrote this brain-dead piece of shit?"
 		-- Marlin Eller to Bill Gates, while talking about a bug in
		   a BASIC function, which was written by Bill Gates.
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