linux-l: Firewall-Frage

Robin S. Socha robin at
Mo Dez 27 20:24:02 CET 1999

* Bernd Freistedt <bf at> writes:
> ---Robin S. Socha (linux-l at wrote on 27 Dec 1999 17:58:09 +0100
>> robin at> nohup wget -r &
>> Das waren knapp 80MB...
> Mist! - ich bin schon bei 68 MB download .... :-[

Promotion schützt offensichtlich vor Torheit nicht:

,----[ man wget ]
| -A acclist / -R rejlist --accept=acclist /
|     --reject=rejlist
|     Comma-separated list of extensions to accept/reject. For example,
|     if you wish to download only GIFs and JPEGs, you will use -A
|     gif,jpg,jpeg.  If you wish to download everything except cumber-
|     some MPEGs and .AU files, you will use -R mpg,mpeg,au.
| -X list --exclude-directories list
|     Comma-separated list of directories to exclude from FTP fetching.

Das wären dann, bitteschön, defaultmäßig noch bz2, tgz, wav und zip.
Robin S. Socha <>

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