linux-l: eMail mit KMail

Robin S. Socha robin at
Mo Dez 27 23:18:11 CET 1999

* Linux Systemberater <aduecker at> writes:
Komischer Name, Meister...

[Vollquote inklusive sig entsorgt]

> fetchmail: Mailuser einrichten ( Sicherheit.)  


> .fetchmailrc anlegen (im Homerverzweichnis des users.)  

Du hast die permissions vergessen - das Ding enthält ein Klartextpasswort:
chmod 600 ~/.fetchmailrc

> Inhalt ( .fetchmailrc ): poll protocol POP3 user
> popaccountusername password Paßwort mda /usr/bin/procmail

Geht so. Ich würde z.B. noch ein flush einfügen. Kleiner Tip am Rande:

,----[ man fetchmailconf ]
|  If  the program fetchmailconf is available, it will assist
|  you in setting up and editing a fetchmailrc configuration.
|  It  runs under X and requires that the language Python and
|  the Tk toolkit be present on  your  system.   If  you  are
|  first  setting  up  fetchmail  for single-user mode, it is
|  recommended that you use Novice mode.   Expert  mode  pro-
|  vides complete control of fetchmail configuration, includ-
|  ing the multidrop features.  In either  case,  the  'Auto-
|  probe'  button  will  tell you the most capable protocol a
|  given mailserver supported,  and  warn  you  of  potential
|  problems with that server.

> .procmailrc anlegen

Configuring procmail with The Dotfile Generator:
Robin S. Socha <>

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