linux-l: legal hack - aber sicher
Sven Guckes
guckes at ZEDAT.FU-Berlin.DE
Di Mär 23 23:48:17 CET 1999
* Netbandit (netbandit at [990323 23:45]:
> kannmir jemand ein Passwort hacken? Es soll nicht gelöscht werden ich
> brauche es, wie es ist.... jemand hat es auf meinem System angelegt
Frag mal in danach...
LIES Canonical Lies: (1) It's free! (2) The cheque is in the mail.
LIES (3) We are from the government, and we're here to help you.
LIES (4) If you would like to be removed from future mailings
LIES then reply and include "remove" in the subject line.
LIES (5) Could you crack this password for me? It's legal!!
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