[linux-l] Linux: A European threat to our computers (by Tristan) (fwd)

Katja Saeger katja at saeger.in-berlin.de
So Apr 30 13:49:03 CEST 2006

Am Sonntag 30 April 2006 10:02 schrieb Peter Ross:
> Hi Leute,
> dies kann ich Euch nicht vorenthalten...
> Gruss aus der Zukunft
> Peter
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:08:59 +1000
> From: Jason King
> To: "luv-talk at luv.asn.au" <luv-talk at luv.asn.au>
> Subject: Linux: A European threat to our computers (by Tristan)
> http://shelleytherepublican.com/2006/04/linux-european-threat-to-our-comput
> its.. um.. interesting , but only in a "are there really people like
> that in the US" kind of way.
Hallo Peter,

unten wird's noch haarsträubender:


Gruß Katja 

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