[pkl] Physics is Organized Around Transformations Connecting Contextures in a Polycontextural World (Aug. 2021, Springer)

Oliver Bandel oliver at first.in-berlin.de
Do Sep 30 23:46:39 CEST 2021

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hier eine kleine Info:

Physics is Organized Around Transformations Connecting Contextures in a Polycontextural World

  The rich body of physical theories defines the foundation of our
  understanding of the world. Its mathematical formulation is based on
  classical Aristotelian (binary) logic. In the philosophy of science
  the ambiguities, paradoxes, and the possibility of subjective
  interpretations of facts have challenged binary logic, leading, among
  other developments, to Gotthard Günther’s theory of polycontexturality
  (often also termed ’transclassical logic’). Günther’s theory explains
  how observers with subjective perception can become aware of their own
  subjectivity and provides means to describe contradicting or even
  paradox observations in a logically sound formalism. Here we summarize
  the formalism behind Günther’s theory and apply it to two well-known
  examples from physics where different observers operate in distinct
  and only locally valid logical systems. Using polycontextural logic we
  show how the emerging awareness of these limitations of logical
  systems entails the design of mathematical transformations, which then
  become an integral part of the theory. In our view, this approach
  offers a novel perspective on the structure of physical theories and,
  at the same time, emphasizes the relevance of the theory of
  polycontexturality in modern sciences.


  Oliver Bandel

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