[schilytools] Anybody out there?

Robert Clausecker fuz at fuz.su
Sat May 14 14:22:04 CEST 2022

Hi there,

I'm sorry for not giving a status update earlier.

The situation is as follows: We finished cleaning out his apartment
last month and are now in the process of sorting through the data
he has left.  Unfortunately we have yet to find the version control
files of the schilytools, preventing us from setting up a new
project properly.

I originally wanted to wait until these files were obtained so I
could have the project with all the history, but it seems like it
could take a lot longer until we find these version control files.
Jörg left a lot of data and he was quite paranoid about his version
control files ever since a company stole his DVD burning code for a
commercial product, so it might be hidden in some way we have not
figured out yet.

On the other hand, it seems like there is significant interest in
continuing development on the code base, so I think I'll go ahead
and set up something temporary the next days.  It has been long
enough already.

Robert Clausecker

Am Sat, May 14, 2022 at 10:27:52AM +0200 schrieb Friedhelm Mehnert:
> Hi,
> haven't received a single message from this list since Christmas.
> Do I have a problem with my mail setup or is there realy no traffic?
> Project dead?
> Best Regards
> Friedhelm
> -- 
> schilytools mailing list
> schilytools at mlists.in-berlin.de
> https://mlists.in-berlin.de/mailman/listinfo/schilytools-mlists.in-berlin.de

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