linux-avmb1:capi4hyla: Discrepance between CAPI's (2) and internal (1) number of pages!

Filippo Carletti carletti at
Fri Mar 12 12:55:02 CET 2004

I'm using CAPI4HylaFAX 01.02.02 with HylaFAX 4.1.8.

Sometimes I get the "Discrepance..." error and the received fax tiff is

It happened also with a remote analog HylaFax installation and I was able to
obtain logs from remote (I can post if needed).
Fax was one page, sender sent first and only page twice because of RTN
(retrain negative), but capi4hylafax got confused.

I hope this is the right place to discuss about capi4hyla.



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